Moore's Law and the Future of Solid-State Electronics
As silicon transistors are getting smaller and smaller, eventually quantum mechanical effects will dominate.
Schrödinger-Poisson - A comparison to the tutorial file of Greg Snider's code (AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT)
What you can learn:InGaAs/AlInAs HEMT structure (High Electron Mobility Transistor)
What you can learn:AlGaAs/GaAs inverted HEMT structure (High Electron Mobility Transistor) - no online documentation available
What you can learn:Si/SiGe MODQW (Modulation Doped Quantum Well)
What you can learn:Capacitance-Voltage curve of a “metal”-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure
What you can learn:
- Two-dimensional electron gas in an AlGaN/GaN field effect transistor (FET)
(nextnano++ tutorial)
- Two-dimensional electron gas in an AlGaN/GaN field effect transistor (FET)
(nextnano³ tutorial)
Double Gate MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor)
What you can learn:
Resonant Tunneling Diode - nextnano.MSB software
(Resonant Tunneling Diode - nextnano3 software)
I-V characteristics calculated with a nonequilibrium Green's function approach (NEGF)